Research Methods International
The goal of the Local Works Zimbabwe Youth Program is to economically empower young Zimbabweans through locally-led development, where youth lead priority setting, design, implementation and management of interventions to create employment, increase incomes and reduce poverty and desperation. In a highly informal economy with limited formal jobs, enterprise development is a viable pathway for employment and income generation. To build and strengthen a network of local actors that can support youth entrepreneurship, and in line with USAID PSE policy, USAID/Zimbabwe would like to consult, strategize, align, collaborate, and implement with the private sector for greater scale, sustainability, and effectiveness of development outcomes. Effective engagement with the private sector requires a deeper understanding of the sector context including available players, current and future priorities, existing opportunities and challenges. One way of getting this deeper understanding is through carrying out a PSLA.
USAID/Zimbabwe anticipates that the new CDCS will focus on youth (15-35 years) development and empowerment. Zimbabwe’s youth bulge makes youth the majority demographic. Decades of economic and political crises have made youth the worst-affected demographic with little or no economic opportunities. USAID/Zimbabwe would like to deepen its PSE efforts by identifying different types of global and local private sector actors that can improve the efficiency, effectiveness and sustainability of development programming through targeted collaboration and partnerships.
Given the private sector context, the Mission has identified two major objectives this PSLA will seek to achieve. First, the PSLA will help to refine USAID/Zimbabwe’s approach to working with the private sector to promote youth development, employment and empowerment including opportunities for entrepreneurship and supply chain linkages.
Second, the PSLA will provide a deep and broad understanding of the private sector ecosystem in Zimbabwe, and private sector perspectives and interests. The PSLA will also document lessons learned in USAID’s previous engagements with the private sector.
Below are some specific questions that the PSLA will seek to answer:
The PSLA will cover the agriculture, natural resources management, science and technology, health, media, financial services, and education sectors. RMI developed the PSE Strategy 2022-2017.