Energy Sector Reform Support Project (ESRSP): Zimbabwe Energy Efficiency Programme Design
The objective the study is to design an Energy Efficiency (EE) programme for the public sector (including hospitals, schools, public buildings, municipalities, street lighting and other public facilities), which is a major energy consumer that will significantly contribute to achieving the country targets on GHG emission reduction. The implementation of the study results is also expected to have a positive effect on the electricity grid through the reduction of the power demand on the system and on the social and economic situations in the country through the savings which will be dedicated to social and economic development projects, thereby contributing to job creation.
The scope of the Consultancy Services will include but not limited to the following:
- Determining the energy consumption in selected public institutions and the potential savings through an energy audit,
- Coming up with intervention strategies that should be employed to realize the potential savings,
- Determining the level of financing needed to roll out the energy efficiency intervention measures,
- Reviewing and recommending appropriate institutional arrangements for implementation,
- Reviewing and updating the Energy Efficiency Policy taking into consideration the study findings, and
- Organizing a workshop attended by the relevant stakeholders (MoEPD, ZPC, ZETDC, ZERA, Hotels, Mining and Manufacturing industries) during which the study results will be presented with a key objective of ensuring the rolling out the designed programme.